Invisible Cryptoprint
Copy-proof printing technology from authentic. How? Check it out.
Stop counterfeit medication with your smartphone
authentic.Technology can save thousands of lifes in Africa. See how it can happen.
Medication Sale at Roxy Market in Abidjan
This video shows the street sale of medicines at the Roxy Market in Abidjan.
Simple tickets and blockchain. How it works and what it brings? Check it out.
authentic.network introduction
„May I introduce authentic.network? A start-up from Chemnitz, which wants to make the world a bit better. How do you ask? It’s simple. Take a look at it.“
authentic.network in den ivorischen News
Abidjan, 13. November 2021 – Der ivorische TV Sender NCI News berichtet über die smarte authentic Blockchain Technologie.
Copy-proof shoes enabled by authentic
Counterfeit shoes no longer exist, thanks to authentic.Technology How does it work? Just take a look.
The technology of authentic works. It works so well that we would like to convince you of that too. Take a look at the video and let us convince you and infect you. If you still have questions,...